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ACCA Completed Within 3 Years

Can ACCA be Completed within 2.5 to 3 years?

The ACCA qualification is one of the most coveted and sought-after Accountancy qualifications in the world. The duration of the ACCA training program varies depending on the point of entry into the program. On average, the program takes approximately three years. However, based on previous qualifications and entry points, a person may complete their coursework in 2 to 2.5 years. However, this makes them an ACCA Affiliate and they would require 3 years of practical experience to be considered a Full-Fledged ACCA Member.

ACCA exams, are now transitioning from Paper Based Exams. Computer Based Exams are the norm as candidates experience difficulty in leaving their homes. The timelines of Paper Based and Computer based exams aren’t significantly different and the same timelines hold good for both.

Completing the ACCA in two years :

Every student wants to attain the ACCA title in the least time possible. An ACCA can be completed in two years, however as mentioned earlier, it entirely depends on the point of entry. Coursework and Practical Experience Requirements vary between candidates and this should be considered when looking at the minimum time required.

Timeframe for Coursework :

A person can complete the coursework for ACCA in two years, and sometimes even lesser. ACCA runs four exam sessions in a year. Students need to pass thirteen papers as a part of the ACCA coursework and are allowed to attempt a maximum of 8 different papers in a year. Therefore, a student can complete all the exams i.e. the coursework component of the ACCA in two years.

Students who have completed a relevant undergraduate degree (B.Com for instance) are exempt from writing four papers. As a result, they are required to pass nine papers, which can be completed in 15 to 18 months.

Candidates who have a prior professional accounting qualification equivalent to the CA qualification in India can claim exemptions for nine courses and need to pass only four papers and the Professional Skills and Ethics Course. These courses can be completed in two sittings and require only six months!

Practical Experience Requirements (PER) :

Every student who wishes to become a full-fledged member of ACCA, requires a minimum of three years of relevant work experience to be granted the ACCA title. However, this work experience can be acquired before, during or after the coursework.

A candidate with no prior work experience, can concurrently acquire work experience as he or she pursues the coursework. Such a candidate requires a minimum of three years to complete the ACCA qualification in its entirety.

All relevant work experience (no minimum duration) can be used to count towards the Practical Experience Requirements. ACCA aspirants who have work experience totalling a year or more (relevant work experience) can complete the coursework and practical experience in 2 years (or less if they have relevant previous qualifications and work experience.

Chartered Accountants need not complete any practical experience requirements for the ACCA since the articleship performed during for the CA qualification counts for the PER in its entirety.

The Bottom Line

The ACCA can be completed in two years, however the candidate requires relevant experience to offset at least one year of work experience (PER). Most candidates take anywhere between 2.5 to 3 years to complete their coursework ( to give more attention to modules). 

A candidate with no prior work experience requires three years at minimum to acquire the ACCA Degree. Completing in two years is a possibility for candidates with work experience, however 2.5 to 3 years is the approximate time candidates take to complete all the components required to become an ACCA Member.

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